Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Elapidae

Genus: Naja

Specimen Description

The cobra has a triangular head with rounded edge, not broader than neck. The most peculiar feature of the cobra head is the presence of hood, It has a spectacled or manacled mark on it’s dorsal surface, It can be seen when stretched on provocation. Hood marks varies in design and prominence aspects. In dark colored specimens (from North India) hood mark becomes faint or absent in adults. Eyes have rounded pupil. The scales are usually a single cuneate scale on each side, presence of 7 supralabial, among them the 3rd and 4th touches eyes.

About the animal

Indian cobra is a one of the most venomous snake in the world and are profusely found in Indian subcontinent. Cobras are famous and unique for displaying their beautiful hoods. Cobras are for long time revere in Indian mythology and culture and in some parts of India,people worship the snake like any other god. The cobras are highly venomous and a dangerous snakes. They mostly feed on rodents,lizards and frogs. They are agile and efficient hunter, Indian cobras produce haemotoxic poison thats mean it directly effect on the blood and block the blood supply to the heart. The poison is very potent and can results in fatality in 30-60 minutes. Spectacle cobra get its name by a nice spectacle type of design on its rear part of their hood. They are considered more intelligent than most of other snakes and also very adaptive. They are mostly found in rain forests or bamboo forests but with the destruction of natural habitat they are now often found in the agricultural land and human inhabitants. Spectacle cobras are oviparous, lays large number of eggs, usually in the hollow of trees or any secure place safe by predator like eagles and vultures. The female cobra guard the eggs and only leaving to feed. The incubation period lasts for 48 to 69 days. Baby cobras hatched out from eggs are also poisonous and agile from the beginning.
