Woolly rhinoceros

(Coelodonta antiquitatis) This was an extinct species of rhinoceros that was common throughout Europe and northern Asia during the Pleistocene epoch. Its body was covered with long, thick hair that allowed it to survive in the extremely cold, harsh mammoth steppe. Carcasses preserved in permafrost and many bone remains of...

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Deinonychus were long-clawed carnivorous dinosaurs that flourished in western North America during the Early Cretaceous Period (145.5 million to 99.6 million years ago). Paleontologist John Ostrom’s study of Deinonychusin the late 1960s lead to a dinosaur renaissance. Early scientists held the popular conception of dinosaurs being slow-moving, reptilian giants. Deinonychus had a small sleek body,...

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Elephant bird

Aepyornis maximus Aepyorniswas the world’s largest known flightless bird native to Madagascar. Its fossilsare foundin Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of the Madagascar island. It has been extinct since at least the 17th century. This bird, is  believed to have been over 3 metres tall and weighing close to 400 kilograms. These birds unbelievably...

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Woolly mammoth

Mammuthus primigenius Mammoths are member of an extinct group of elephants found as fossils in Pleistocene deposits over every continent except Australia and South America and in early Holocene deposits of North America. The woolly mammoth (M. primigenius), developed about 400,000 years ago in East Asia, it was generally assumed that the last woolly mammoths vanished from Europe and Southern Siberia in...

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Formosan clouded leopard

Neofelis nebulosa brachyura It was endemic to Taiwan and second-largestcarnivore of the region, after the Formosan black bear. It was first described in 1862 on the basis of a traded skin with an incomplete tail. Its fur colour is pale to tawny, and it has large cloud-like markings on the shoulders and flanks with a...

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Equis quagga quagga Quagga looked like a mixture of zebra and horse, it had stripes only on the front half of the body, they are brown along the rear half. Like Zebras, this pattern of stripes varied between each individual. The quagga was, for a long time, thought to...

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Raphus cucullatus Dodos were flightless birds, related to pigeons, which is said to be evolved on the island of Mauritius 8 million years ago. The dodo’s ancestors is supposed to have arrived on the island, eventually evolving into giants and losing their ability to fly. These birds were first seen...

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Saber-toothed tiger

Smilodon fatalis It was a fierce predator which roamed over the forests, brushy plains, margins of woodlands of North, Central, and South Americas Itwent extinct 13,000 years ago Physical Description Its 30 cm skull had 2 sabre-like 15 cm long canine teeth which were serrated on both edges and...

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Eurasian cave lion

Panthera spelaea It was one of the largest species of lion to have ever lived. It was widespread across the mountains and woodlands of Eurasia, Alaska, and part of northwestern Canada. The Eurasian cave lion (Panthera spelaea) is a species of lion that went extinct around 12,000 years ago....

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